Wednesday 11 March 2015


back to Paris – still thinking about the trip – we also managed to sneak in a visit to The Museum of Evolution – with its odd and spectacular display of dead things – worth a look. back to London I so love teaching at Camberwell. It’s been an excellent day talking about ART – a silent crit where the work is discussed without background knowledge or intention from the maker or any textual support verbal or written.........what is the work about? How do we feel about it? As makers what would we do with the idea? ...... I’ve chaired a wide ranging day taking in translation, material understanding, the role of the reader/viewer, trust in formats, the idea of fractured narrative and classification through collection ..........just excellent. Managed to pop into the curve gallery to see Roman Signer: slow movement - unsure about the slightness of the intervention/action, although the absurdity captured me and I did enjoy the videos – art as fun experiment !!!

Meanwhile back to film - I’ve caught up with Gone Girl – OMG – one minute you understand the world, disturbed by it but you do understand and then within the next your perspective changes from one place to another – a wonderful roller-coaster of a film. But then there is Pride - the miners’ strike and 80’s gay activism depicted though a chocolate box lens – it’s always difficult to watch one’s own history depicted and I struggled with the feel good nature of Pride – but it did have some great tunes so maybe its ok!